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World Stone Skimming Championships on Easdale Island

27 September, 2020

The World Stone Skimming Championship is held every year on the last Sunday in September on the beautiful island of Easdale near Oban. Easdale was once the centre of a thriving Scottish slate mining industry, and one of the disused quarries forms a perfect arena for the championships.

Anyone of any age and any level of skill can enter. Each competitor is allowed three skims using specially selected Easdale slate skimming stones. For a skim to qualify the stone must bounce at least three times – it’s then judged on the distance achieved before it sinks. There’s also a barbecue and kids’ activities, including a bouncy castle.

On the Saturday night before the event, you can warm up at the famous ‘Pre-skim Party’ in Easdale Island Community Hall, where there will be a bar and live music.

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